Friday 1 August 2014


Dyslexia for all of you that don't know is:
  1. 'a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.'

This basically means that your brain works differently to the rest of the world but it has nothing to do with how intelligent you are, (you are actually more unique). Dyslexia comes in many different levels and affects people in different areas; for example it can effect reading skills, writing skills or even organisation skills. I personally have mild dyslexia and I struggle with reading and organisation skills and I have always struggled with spelling. I also have to come up with different and strange revision techniques rather then just reading a book as I struggle to put my ideas on paper; as I always say, half the time I don't fully know what I mean so how am I supposed to write it down.

Through out school I struggled a lot with the disorder as I was very nervous to speak out load. I used to get confused when it came to academic subject and revising for exams and tests. However when I told the school they were able to help me through some of my fears and give me confidence to find my own way to understand the work. In secondary school I tried to focus more on creative subject as I felt I could express my ideas and views a lot easier, but subjects like English, Maths and Science was still compulsory.

I remember once in secondary school in year 9/10 I was in English class and me and my friends have to make a list of something. Anyway the teacher then came around to check on us and read the list. I was happy to write the list as I was with my friends and they knew a couldn't spell to save my life. So the teacher read the list and saw 'David Cameron' however I had used two o's, so instead of reading on from it as its was perfectly readable like most teachers would, he decided to make fun of the mistake by repeating 'David Cameroon' several times. Now to him it was a laugh and nothing but to me it was the biggest kick in the teeth. I know it was only a joke and one extra letter, but the fact he pointed it out in front of my friend made my feel 2cm tall and it brought back all of the fears and feeling of being different, not normal and stupid. Now I wish I punched him in the face but it taught me that something you may not mean in a hurtful way, may completely kills someones confidence and I know how hard that is to rebuild.

Now-a-days as an adult (well 18 years old) I have learnt to embrace my unique brain. I has allowed me to create stories and characters in my head. When ever I watch a music video I can create a whole movie to go along with it. I still find reading difficult but when I can do creative courses and activities and I can create whole worlds in my head that my friends have to plan out and spend ages to achieve.

I made this post as I wanted to share my qualities with you and hopefully help someone through a bad patch or just tough day just like I did and still do (we are all human). I have learnt to embrace dyslexia as it has made me the person I am today. I feel like I can help my younger cousin struggling with his fears, I can do so such more in my mind them others, I have learn to tackle problems in new ways and find new solutions, I want to become a film director and so use my creative ideas ever day. Mainly I have learn to accept who you are and see that amazing things that you can do, you are different and you are unique and that is something incredible. You are one of the few born with this gift like: Muhammad Ali, Richard Branson, George Washington, Leonardo Da Vinci, David Bailey, Orlando Bloom, Whoopi Goldberg, Jim Carrey, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and many more.

P.S. I you are stuck on how to spell something ask Siri on you phone as you can speak it.
       If you are unsure about how to revise for a test try making poster and putting the over the house on the walls so that you can project your ideas in a way that you can always see.

Please feel free to share your own experiences or just let me know if this helped. Have and amazing day!

Tuesday 28 January 2014

First ever driving lesson

Today I had my first ever driving lesson. At first I was very nervous and excited as I plan to completely learn how to drive before I hopefully go to uni in September. It was a two hour sessions as we spent an hour talking it over and getting to know the car. When I then got in to seat it was very nervous as the car was in my control and even though my teacher was there I have was the person that need to take control. I only did the basics but I felt it was ok and actaully enjoyable. I stalled and few thing when slowing down but I find it easier to change gears. The streeting is very interesting as you can move the car and get a feel for the car as you move and steer it around. At one point the weather turned bad and it was hail stones but I really enjoy my lesson and I would say to anyone to learn to drive if you are able. Also let me know your fun stories about learning to drive I've heard quite a few and I'll let you know mine as they happen.

Friday 24 January 2014

Planning a short film

The Over the last two week I have been planning a short film for a college project and also a university portfolio piece. For this film I have had full choose over the piece from writing all the way through to editing ideas. The story is based on a crime/ detective style with a intense story. The story is about a man that comes home and  is being watched through a CCTV camera. The camera follows him as he gets out of the car and goes indoors. The camera also goes into the house and looks around as the man go off to do something (out of frame). When the man returns the camera is slow to reacts and only catches him as he leaves. The outside CCTV camera then shows the man go back to the car and bow wearing a mask, bring out a tried up victim and drags them into the house. The CCTV operator then calls for back up saying that they have got him and need to stop him fast. The man in the house starts grabbing the victim and placing them in a chair, then pacing a rope up as he is about to hang them. Meanwhile the police are on their way and the CCTV is communicating what's happening. Toward the end the police team arrive outside shouting in but the attacker ignores them. The man placed his foot on the chair ready to kick it away from under the victim and the police are shouting in. The CCTV operator can only watch as the man turns and looks directly into the camera. The police run at the front door and as they hit the door the man goes to kicks the chair and the operator gasps, all fades to black and music continue over to credits.

Please let me know what you think as I am filming today and would love all feedback.

Thursday 23 January 2014

My Trailer

In the last few days I have been very focused and busy with finishing my trailer for a media project at college. Today it was finally release on YouTube for the world to see. It has taken quite a while to get from an idea to the finished product; with texhniques issue and and enough personal dramas to make a tv series. Overall though I think this is one of the most satisfiying part of film production when all your effects come together; with the second being the collaboration and bond made with the crew and cast along the way. Here's to the next one! Which I will be starting to film tomorrow so I should have a post tomorrow about it. The trailer can be found at: (if your interested in seeing it.)

Saturday 18 January 2014

Today my new laptop finally arrived. I am so pleased with it and its spec. It's a HP with Intel core i7, windows 8, 1TB Hard drive and 8GB RAM. I was planning to get a Mac but the big Macs and very expensive and even the laptops don't usually come below £1000. I wanted to use mine mainly for work and video editing so I went for more Hard drive and RAM. I did look at the MiniMac as they are cheaper and I would only need a screen but it wouldn't be as portable and easy to work with if I was out and needed to finish something.
Personally I would say if your looking to buying a new laptop or PC then think about what the main uses are. You will probably play games on it and things, but if its mainly working then you may need a lot of Hard dive; or if its a gaming laptop look at the Graphic card specs.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Scams Online

Today I had a run in with a company who basically pretended to refund me money. I was obviously confused but then they told me my latest transactions, address and so I stupidly followed them. It turns out they are stealing from my account and it was a scam. Luckily I spoke to my bank and all should be settled; but it just showed how much information these companies can get hold of and how much you need to be careful with any details online. Any online transactions and socail networking account we think are safe but if someone reads them they can know you whole life story and seem so genuine. The moral is just be careful with your 'online shadows' and never give bank details to people or sites that you don't 100% know are trustworthy  i.e. Amazon or sainsburys.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

I going to re-start blogging, I have decided. It's a new year and I want to share my life with, who ever reads this. I will be blogging all my adventures this year including:

1.  Learning to drive.
2.  Applying and helpfully going to University.
3.  Creating a short film.
4.  Maybe start creative short sketches for my YouTube channel.

I can’t' be sure these blogs with be daily but I will definitely get one or more out a week; starting with the first blog tomorrow.